Course curriculum

    1. Database Audit Action Plan RGM

    2. Real Geeks Mastery Action Plan

    3. RESS Tracker Sheet

    4. Actions Around The Holidays

    5. Is SEO Dead?

    6. A Virtual Assistant (VA) to Help Manage Agent Databases in Real Geek

    7. Health Report for RGM

    8. 5 Ways To Hit Your RG Database

    9. Real Geeks Mastery Engagement

    10. Real Geeks Mastery Workflows

    11. 2024 Workflow Content Gregs Content

    12. Real Geeks 2024 Filters to Save to the CRM

    13. RGM Code for 3 Round Icons on Sites

    14. 3 Rounds Source Code for Review Icons for Real Geeks and 3 Rounds Source Code overlapping Header for Real Geeks

    15. Agent Top 10

    16. 2024 Daily Objectives and Tasks 2024

    17. 2024 Workflow Content for RGM with Filters

    18. Greg Harrelson. SLD Newsletter May 2024

    19. Price Too High, low or just right SMS for Real Geeks May 2024

    20. Seller - Price Estimate WF Content

    21. Just Sold Email

    22. 5 Filters to find Missed Opportunities

    23. Chat GPT Greg SLD to Blog

    24. July 2024 Sld Newsletter

    25. Greg Buyer Eblast Summer 2024 with Smart Links

    26. Greg's Easy Exit Listing Agreement

    27. SLD Tax Letter 7_24

    28. Ways to Reengage Leads

    1. How Does Fello Fit Into Our Future with Greg Harrelson

About this course

  • Free
  • 29 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content