Course curriculum

    1. Creating a Business Manager Account

    2. Business Manager Account Setup

    3. Prior to getting started, complete #1, #2 and #3. These only need to be completed one time.

    1. 2025 Seller Ad. Home Estimate Ad Intro

    2. Step 1. Audiences - Uploading a Custom Audience

    3. Step 2. How to Find the Default Landing Page for the Property Valuation Page

    4. Step 3. RG Ads Manager, Create the Ad (video for basic valuation page ad with a custom audience)

    1. Step 1. Custom. Change Default Home Estimate Landing Page

    2. Step 2. Custom Landing Page Intro. Why you should build these pages

    3. Step 3. Custom. Creating a Community Landing Page

    4. Step 4. Custom. RG Ads Manager. Create the Ad using a custom property valuation page

About this course

  • Free
  • 11 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content